You may have been seeing this “N-Scale” keyword around my site and you were wondering what it is exactly, well here I got some explanations.
4d Model 1:144 Scale Tanks 8 Kit Set
The roster of tanks These are a collection of classic tanks mostly from World War II The quality seems pretty surprising
SHFiguarts Ultraman Type A
Ultraman is another piece of childhood I need to have on my shelf As a kid in the early 90’s Ultraman was a favorite tv show of mine, I couldn’t remember which Ultraman version did I watched back then as there are so many variations. But this Ultraman type A is closer to what I […]
Guide to Hobby Link Japan
You have heard of this Hobby Link Japan online store but you need some guidance to help you through the purchasing process? First of all, this information might be more helpful to those people who resides in the Philippines, situations might be a little bit different for those who live in other countries. Also,the procedures […]
Tamiya Brocken Gigant Premium
This Tamiya Brocken Gigant is my most favorite mini-4wd car from the anime Lets & Go!! I once had a bootleg of this when mini-4wd was a craze in Philippines back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Don’t get me wrong, it is still popular to this day especially in Asia. This mini 4wd […]
Puzzle Paper Assembly 3d Pullback Cars
A perfect fun little puzzle kit for kids I just stumbled upon these puzzle thingy toys as we were making our grocery haul around a local supermarket. My son insisted to go to the toy area, I was not excited as they don’t have Gunpla at all (not a chance). But I went ahead since […]
Knockoff of the SD EX-Standard
knockoff Gunpla comes in different forms, there are complete copies and there are also those that looks nothing like the original. One day on a mall, I stumbled upon these SD EX Standard knockoff on a small toy store. There were only two of these and I became ecstatic when I saw images of the […]
Toys R Us shutting down
So we might be seeing an end to an era where going to a toys store is an absolute treat for the family, especially for kids who in their dreams think of wandering joyfully through a toyland.
HG Gipsy Avenger
I didn’t know about Bandai conjuring up the Pacific Rim mechs until just early this year. Le’t take a look at HG Gipsy Avenger.
What to do with the gunpla boxes?
If you are running this hobby for 4 or more years chances are that room space becomes a problem. Even if you have a man cave or share a room with family members, if it is a rather small room then it is still likely that you would need that extra space that those stacks […]
Dr Star Mini Blocks 3 in 1 Captain America
Yet another Dr Star micro blocks figure this time featuring a Marvel superhero named Captain America, with extra big bike vehicle.
Dr Star Mini Blocks 3 in 1 Superman
Another lego like micro blocks figure this time featuring a DC hero named Superman, with extra motor bike vehicle.
Dr Star Mini Blocks 3 in 1 Iron Man
I’ve had this for a long time, I posted the batman version 3 years ago, woah that’s how long has it been? and now I just remembered to finally post this Iron Man version to this blog right away. I’ve had two more kits of this type actually; Captain America and Superman, however I’ve never […]
YZ My World MineCraft
First of all, I know this is a Lego knockoff, but this stuff is so all over the place that it’s hard to resist the curiosity of trying to obtain some My son likes Minecraft youtube videos, so one time I had an idea of bringing home any cheap chinese branded lego knockoffs featuring things […]
Paperstructure DVD
Let’s create a city to display our giant mechas with What the heck is this? Paperstructure is a Japanese website selling a huge pile of paper craft kits library contained in PDF files. With your nice home or professional Printer to print the PDFs and then some supply of paper sheets of about 180 […]
Site frontpage updates
Front-end Updates I’ve been wanting to implement a post listing layout that I’ve been planning for so long, luckily I just had enough time to update the front-end of the site and apply that layout I call “Wall”, which is just a new layout grid that prioritizes pictures than texts. I also added some feature […]
FIGMA Archetype Next Flesh Color
Let’s take a look at these FIGMA dummy like figures featuring both male and female variety.
Robocar Poli Mini Transforming Robot Poli
This is a birthday gift to my son who happens to love the South Korean based children’s animated series the Robocar Poli which seems like a combination of Disney’s Cars, Transformers, Thomas and Friends and Bob the Builder. The action figure we have here is the car transforming robot called Poli, who assumes the titular […]
Dr Star Mini Blocks 3 in 1 Batman
I got another nano blocks kit here, this time we have Batman blocks from Dr Star Mini Blocks 3 in 1 Super Team. In the store, I had 3 other options to choose from, namely; Ironman, Superman and Batman, I chose Batman because it looked awesome, and the others looks silly (Superman on motorcycle). This […]
Loz iBlock Fun Mario
As I grew older I always thought that Legos or any similar blocks playthings are just for kids, I do like them but not with the same affinity I have with plastic scale model kits of mechs. However, things changed when I saw this one time during some visit to a mall: I just thought, […]
Flexible Joint System
When I bought the old 1/144 G Gundam kits that came out in 1994 I knew that they have been terribly aged, more so with the articulation so I have been pondering about how to do it the best possible way to give them justice, I mean these are “Mobile Fighters” in a sense that […]
Site Updates
I haven’t really touched this site for like several months but now I finally just had a considerable amount of free time to continue updating the site both in content and in html front-end tasks. I really took action at first when I found that this site got “malwared”, that whenever someone visits the site […]
1/10 New Bright Radio Control Dodge Ram
Lifted and rolling on big wheels and tires, these Dodge Ram R/C trucks are ready to cruise. Featuring a spring suspension, wheel alignment, bold graphic styling and extreme detail, it looks just as good on a shelf as it does on the street. All required batteries are included. Get going!
Radio Control Thunder Tumbler 360 Degree Rally Car
A fantastic red thunder tumbler car with radio control. This stunning stunt vehicle with flashing LED lights, rotates 360 degrees on a single wheel and has full-function wireless radio control. Available in 2 frequencies, this is the ultimate rally car for competitive racing. The car requires four 1.5V AA batteries, while the remote control needs […]
1/60 Bandai AV-98 Ingram Patrol Labor
I like Patlabors as I love Mobile Suits, and the Ingram AV-98 is one outstanding mecha design I have ever seen. This retro 1/60 scale model kit is from 1989 by Bandai, let’s take a look at the box and its contents.
Straight Building Gunpla
Find a place to work, where you can be alone with minimal distractions (atleast maybe some background music while you work is always a fine idea), get a clean table wide enough to accomodate all the stuff you will be utilizing (I’ll list down these stuff later on), I suggest you move the table against […]
How Gunplas are made
Ever wondered how BANDAI do it? Sure we are interested to see how are our gunpla kits are made. Here are some videos I’ve found.
Which to buy: Bootleg kits or BANDAI kit?
For real gunpla builders it is BANDAI hands down, but to some, deciding whether buying one BANDAI kit in exchange for three bootleg kits, makes them think twice. But does it really matter which to buy?