I just completed the regular set of the old Gundam G kits
It’s a difficult task to obtain a complete set of ancient Bandai kits, it’s pretty rare for all of them to be available at the same time, Bandai do not run production of these older kits that often anymore and when a product line or series marked as discontinued then obtaining them may be extra difficult, as you would need to find what we call “new old stock” which you will often find overpriced.
Luckily, I was able to stay updated when HLJ put some new stocks of the G Gundam series kits. So without hesitation I ordered the ones I don’t have yet, actually I purchased some of the kits I already have in particular the five main Gundams in the show, because I am subjecting them to the “Modernizer” project wherein I will do modifications to the proportions and articulation to make them as good as today’s modern gunpla model kits. I will talk more about “Modernizer” project on a separate post, so for now let’s go back to the package #31.