The XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Kai (aka Heavyarms Kai or Gundam Zero-Three) is the upgraded form of the original XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms. The suit received a major design change for the OVA Endless Waltz, with a dark blue and light blue color scheme instead of the traditional red and white. The unit is piloted by a young man operating under the pseudonym Trowa Barton.. Click the gundam wiki logo image on the right for more information.
Heavy arms custom is the gundam model that re-ignited my inner desire to re-immerse myself into this hobby. The main reason why I love Gundam is because of this guy: "Heavy Arms" a walking (sometimes acrobatic) heavy artillery tank. Particularly, I love the Endless Walts version with the dark-blue-greenish theme. The E.W. version has been changed a lot from it's T.V. version Heavy Arms counterpart; I already mentioned about the change in color scheme, but also they replaced the Gattling gun+Shield combo into a 2 times heavy looking gattling gun (I think they can be used as shield armor as well) for both arms, although the knife has been removed.
The T.V. version counterpart is still looks like the original, except it has given extra boosts on its thrusters for space mobility and received upgrade for its gattling gun; it is now double barreled.