The GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam is a mobile fighter for the nation of Neo Japan built for the 13th Gundam Fight. It was featured in the anime Mobile Fighter G Gundam and piloted by Domon Kasshu.. Click the gundam wiki logo image on the right for more information.
The Shining Gundam, piloted by series protagonist Domon Kasshu, represented Neo Japan in the 13th Gundam Fight.The Shining Gundam is equipped with two beam swords, two forearm mounted cannons known as "Shining Shot", head mounted vulcans, shoulder mounted machine cannons, and the signature "Shining Finger" ability. This attack focuses heat into the Gundam's hand, which causes it to glow green and allows it to easily crush the head of an enemy Gundam. It contains an Emotion Energy System, which if given enough input allows the Gundam to power up significantly, allowing it to channel the Shining Finger energy into one of the swords, creating a Shining Finger Sword, which is large and powerful. As most mobile fighters do not carry physical shields, the defensive capabilities of Shining Gundam rely on Domon himself.