The GF13-009NF Gundam Rose is a Mobile Fighter from the series Mobile Fighter G Gundam.. Click the gundam wiki logo image on the right for more information.
Gundam Rose is a close to medium range fighter type. The main weapon the gundam uses is the chevalier beam saber stored on its hip. This sword takes advantage of George's speed and fencing ability. The cape on the gundam's shoulder acts like a shield when not in use and when in use it fires remote controlled weapons called rose bits.
Gundam Rose is the one I least liked among the main five Gundams in the G Gundam series, the mecha designer gone all out on this one with the gun powder era military uniform theme with the one sided cape-like jacket to conceal it's deadly rose bits weaponry, that one side jacket is good actually (its quite unique for a Gundam) but the rest of the design just don't do it for me, that skirt design seems to me like its improbable enough as it limits Gundam Rose' leg movements, the shoulder armor design looks like a household decoration, the topical details even the Napoleon hat is not translating very well into a mecha design. I'll take John Bull Gundam than the Gundam Rose any day.
