The GT-9600-D Gundam Leopard Destroy is a Mobile Suit from the anime series After War Gundam X. It is piloted by Roybea Loy.. Click the gundam wiki logo image on the right for more information.
When the GT-9600 Gundam Leopard was heavily damaged in battle against the NRX-010 Gable, it was repaired and upgraded by Kid Salsamille with better weaponry and a new paint job. Unlike its predecessor which is mainly armed with conventional projectile firing weapon, the Gundam Leopard Destroy has both projectile and ranged beam weapons, allowing it to better contend with the newer mobile suits used by the New United Nations Earth forces. The single inner arm Gatling has been replaced by the twin beam cylinder, a pair of beam weapons that could fold over both forearms when in use and are stored on the backpack when not in use. The missile rack that was previously mounted in the right shoulder was removed and replaced by a vertical firing rack mounted to the left shoulder. The suit also gained several other new weaponry and can still mount an optional missile pod to the lower left leg. Leopard Destroy also has the option of combining with the aft section of the GS-9900 G-Falcon, granting it flight capability.