GN-006GNHW/R Cherudim Gundam GNHW/R (aka Cherudim Gundam, Cherudim) is an upgrade to Cherudim that was seen late in the second season. It uses the original Cherudim equipment along with its GN Heavy Weapons Rifle equipment. After the campaign against the Innovators, it was repaired and used by Fereshte with the SAGA equipment.

In order to increase survivability and firepower in battle, Cherudim, along with Arios and Seravee, would later receive GN Heavy Weapons components. Celestial Being engineers upgraded Cherudim with GN Heavy Weapons Rifle components, which included six GN Rifle Bits and an extra pair of beam pistols for the unit. The shield bits were short range weapons and Cherudim only had its rifle for long range firing. The new bits have extended range for firing, giving Cherudim 6 additional guns for long range shooting and shielding. With the new upgrades, Cherudim evolved more into a heavy assault type Gundam than its original sniping-based role.
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- Lorem ipsum dolor isit amet
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